Get to know Vincent, the President of Club Alpbach Netherlands!
Q. How many times have you been to the European Forum Alpbach?
A. I have been to EFA three times, once as a scholarship holder and twice as board member of Club Alpbach Netherlands.
Q. Why did you decide to go to EFA?
A. I found out about EFA through a LinkedIn post. In the past I have taken part in many summer schools and model United Nations, so I expected something similar. Never in my imagination did I think that EFA would be something so much more unique.
Q. Why did you decide to join the board of Club Alpbach Netherlands?
A. After my first Forum in 2022 I knew for 100% sure that I wanted to come back, and by committing myself to the board this was indeed possible. This period also coincided with the end of the Covid pandemic, and I was eager to get active in ways that were impossible in the 2.5 years prior.
I chose to become President because I like to build up networks. Though CAN already existed for four years, due to Covid the Club was on the brink of collapse. I am proud to say that together with everyone involved we managed to turn this around!
Q. What do you do outside of the EFA bubble?
A. Outside of EFA I work as a policy advisor on migration for the VVD in the Dutch parliament. I am also active for this political party in my spare time as board member for a local chapter (vice-president and member acquisition). In my free time I like to do sports, mainly running but also cycling, swimming and bouldering.
Q. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
A. Connect the European continent with a network of cheap, comfortable nighttrains