Get to know Janneke, our fundraising manager!
Q. How many times have you been to the European Forum Alpbach?
A. 2024, ’the moment of truth’, was my first time at EFA, but definitely not the last
Q. Why did you decide to go to EFA?
A. I had heard about it from an Austrian friend of mine a couple of years ago, but finally mustered up the courage to apply this year. I was drawn to EFA because of the interesting speakers and workshops (the prospect of hiking didn’t hurt either). Especially now that I am working a 9-5, I was really hoping to be inspired.
Q. Why did you decide to join the board of Club Alpbach Netherlands?
A. Being at EFA was an inspiring experience, which caused me to reflect a lot on my values, ambitions, and how I wish to live my life. I think it is very helpful to step out of your day-to-day life for two weeks, and to be surrounded by so many intelligent, curious people, who all have their ideas about how to shape the future of Europe. I hope I can spread the word about EFA, and help to find funding for more scholarships!
Q. What do you do outside of the EFA bubble?
A. When not at EFA, you can find me working at the European Society of Radiology. Aside from this I like to fill my time doing sports (tennis, yoga, pilates, cycling), listening to interesting podcasts, going for long walks, and catching up with my friends whenever I can.
Q. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
A. I would give everyone a day off during the Eurovision finale!